Thursday, October 5, 2023

Oct 5th

His vein in his forehead is prominent again. He said his head hurts. Headache?? His bipolar??? I just don’t know  but it’s worrying me. I’m glad I’m back home. With him. Coming home to him and his grumpy sleepy ass is always worth it. By mid day he was yanking my shorts off and making me cum. I’m so grateful how much he loves to do that and how good he’s gotten at it. But he’s so stressed. I know it’s this job. Learning new things being responsible and he’s taking it so hard when I don’t expect anyone would think he would know it all in his first fucking week. 

Randomly he asked me about diamonds again last night. Not sure what random thought popped in his head. 

Okay so oddly enough that awesome job??? I think I did okay? LIKE WHAT? There were a few moments when I thought nope... but now I am not sure... I think its 50/50?

I have been quiet all day today... I am not sure why.. I think I was nervous about the interview. Its insane amount of money! Not only that but I will be happy doing this

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