Saturday, December 30, 2023
Dec 30
Tuesday, December 26, 2023
Dec 26th
Sunday, December 24, 2023
Christmas eve
I cannot stop the phrase from repeating... over and over again.
You do not live here. I guess for me there is always going to be a phrase that just gets stuck but this one, I do not think I can get past this one regardless of what happens going forward. I cannot keep dealing with the threats of my having to move out or to go back home because he did make it clear last night that this was not my home it was his.
What I hate the most about us... honestly... I am so in love with him. I hate it and I know I will tolerate anything and everything.
Tuesday, December 19, 2023
Dec 19
Monday, December 18, 2023
Dec 18
Dec 16
Saturday, December 16, 2023
Thursday, November 23, 2023
Thanksgiving 2023
Thursday, November 2, 2023
November 2nd
Oct 22nd
Wednesday, November 1, 2023
November 1st
Wow so much to write about.
Went on the cruise, I would not say it was HORRIBLE but it wasn’t as great as the Disney cruise. It was fun.. lots and lots of sex. One bad moment when I wasn’t feeling well and he thought I was ignoring him. But I thought he was sleeping and I felt like crap. Got a bit seasick… went to Catalina island got golf carts. Loved it… went to Ensenada same thing as December. Got a starbies cup… won $600 at the casino
Disneyland Was amazing. Loved the hotel beautiful hotel.
Went straight to Disneyland after we dropped off our luggage, And got the disability pass from tomorrowland. Went on a lot of great ride, especially the new Star Wars ones. Ate lots of good food out and then went back to the hotel for more sex of course Oddly enough, Jason’s daughter was there as well but for some reason we just couldn’t link up with her. But we did see Lisa, so that worked.
The next day we went to Disneyland, California adventures went on a bunch of rides, could not find breakfast for him to save my life. Around midday, we left, and went back to the hotel, and hung out in the hot tub loved every moment of it, and of course more sex, he passed out pretty early so I stayed up and watched the fireworks and I could see them through the window of our hotel and it was amazing. The next morning he woke up angry because I didn’t wake him up for the fireworks but I didn’t know he wanted to wake up so too bad. So sad .
The next day we headed to Disneyland because we were leaving that day back to home and we caught quite a few rides before we had to head out to the airport. Everything was great we ate had lots of amazing things to eat, and to drink and actually the entire Disneyland trip was amazing, better than I would’ve imagined he was hardly ever grouted to your grumpy, so I definitely think we can go back to Disneyland.
Came back to Sacramento rented a car, a mini Cooper drove back to Vallejo and that was it. That was our vacation. I loved every moment of it even if the cruise was kind of shitty but spending time with him alone focused on us was great it wasn’t quite as intense Monterey, but I don’t think it can always be like that and that’s OK
So I signed the paperwork for Delta star interviewed for the physician and Vacaville and I am still waiting to hear back. Went to a meeting. Alexis came by and picked up her stitch gift. I think that’s it. There’s not really much else other than Jay, being so excited, I want to casino he wanted to marry me right away, but of course, that disappeared as soon as we got off the boat, which was not a surprise. But at least now when he says when we get married instead of if we get married, so that’s a big improvement.
Wednesday, October 18, 2023
Oct 18th
Monday, October 16, 2023
Oct 16th
Sunday, October 15, 2023
Oct 15th
Saturday, October 14, 2023
Oct 14th
Friday, October 13, 2023
Oct 12
Monday, October 9, 2023
Oct 9th
Saturday, October 7, 2023
October 7th
September 24th
September 25th
I know something is going on with him... I get the depressive mode of his bipolar... then a call from his in laws. Not that I mind... hell if Allan's mom was alive I would jump anytime. Not going to pretend I do not miss Allan's mom. I swear my life would be so different if she were here. I know I would not have had to reach out to Jay at all, that's scary to consider.
Friday, October 6, 2023
Oct 6th
Finally friday :) Alexis... my heart breaks for her. Part of me finally is connecting with her and I am so grateful for that not the circumstances... gah... not that. No one should have to deal with what she is dealing with. Jay is so wonderful with her... she doesn't feel like a little sister but more of a surrogate daughter. I really hope she does not go back to this guy. I just know the stats... and they are not good.
So I do not mind sharing Jay for the next 2 weeks... I am so proud of him. We will help her as much as we can and even against Jay's wishes if we can sneak into the house to get her things... I am worried he will destroy her stuff and hurt her puppy. I know, I am self projecting but I can't help it. I am glad he got some real sleep today... less wrinkles in his forehead and that vein in his forehead is non existent.
Thursday, October 5, 2023
Oct 5th
Wednesday, October 4, 2023
Oct 4th
Tuesday, October 3, 2023
October 3rd
Monday, October 2, 2023
Oct 2nd
Well today is the day... he starts work. He is nervous and working through it. I can't imagine what this is like for him. I know he is going to be great at it. He is so good with people and helping people. I am even envious of that skill but at the same time, I know my acumen for technology is something that I prefer and I really do not want to work with people. I like just being me... doing what I want when I want. I am not sure why he is going down on me so much lately... as if I would complain! I love it and his mouth on me... I am trying my best to distract him as much as possible, not sure if I am even doing anything at all. 2 more hours before he leaves... handed me a huge stack of bills which one I did not bother counting and two he gave to me for a massage and chipotle??? Way more than I need and I appreciate it. I think I would rather chipotle and target though. Pick up a few things and snacks to entertain me while he is gone. I will go home on Wednesday... plan Disney now WITHOUT jessica. Am I complaining? NOPE
OMG I got the damn interview... I made it to Chipotle... even Target :) All by myself. I feel like I at least accomplished something don't get me wrong, I love being with Jay but I do still love my independence too. Maria texted me... wanting to go out to dinner again with Chelle and Tuyen. I would actually like that. Not sure how that will work if I am working in Benecia... OMG I cannot believe I am interviewing! I want that job. I want to be here... I WANT TO BE WORKING HERE... I will figure out the cost and all that crap later. I will be here... I will be with him every day.
Sunday, October 1, 2023
Oct 1
He wants to come home from work and I will be here... I think that is the sweetest thing I have ever heard from him. I cannot believe it is already October... How did time move so fast and yet so slow at the same time? We talked a lot last night and I let myself open up more... its still not easy for me. But I am trying as much as I can. He did mention that I jump a lot less at night and I am more relaxed. He is laying next to me sleeping... jerk... lol... we just had sex and I am so awake now... No way am I taking a nap. I am amazed how much better its getting between us. How is that even possible? I love every way that he touches me. Actually I am kind of amazed at how I react to him. We are definitely getting better at this. Today has been great.
Saturday, September 30, 2023
Sept 30th
Friday, September 29, 2023
Sept 29th
Tuesday, September 26, 2023
September 26th
Saturday, September 23, 2023
September 23rd
He is going through so much that I am not sure I am even helping him anymore, I definitely feel as if I am holding him back at times. I know he will say I am being ridiculous and want to know why I feel like that. I guess mostly because my asthma keeps me from doing things... this smoke is killing me. I also can't keep taking the asthma meds... I have never had such bad panic attacks in a long time... I wonder if all of them were related to the damn meds... or maybe just a combination of things for once.
I am glad to be going home for a few days though... I think he needs his own space right now too. Even if he said he was going crazy without me I think we both still need our separate spaces at times, we are only just rolling into 4 months now. For some reason I am in a different headspace and I can stop holding on to him so tight and do my own thing at home. I have enough to do there to keep me busy for weeks at a time. I think I need to chill on these books, they are making freak out over Jay and for what? Christ he would not do any of that stuff.
What do I know? I know this intense man loves me more than I ever imagined possible. I love his intensity even though sometimes it does terrify me not in like he is violent but just how intent he is on me. On us. I have never had someone like this. I honestly think my freak out was over what he said that night in SF and he has already apologized for that, we were both in a bad spot and we both said things we did not mean. I also came crawling back to him with my tail between my legs. It was for the better, I need to learn how to swallow my damn pride for him and admit how much I not only need him but I love him and I am willing to be different. I have never done anything like that before. I have never driven in the middle of the night begging to be let back in someone's life. I did come back like a damn boomerang... we were both wrong and it was okay that I was the one that gave in first. I can be the one to give into him and be the guppy and beg for him. I have never begged for someone before. For Jay, I will learn to be this person. Learn to be vulnerable and ask for forgiveness and for his love. I can also be strong at the same time... but yeah this particular book is really fucking me up for someone reason. I am done with it. I think it is just too triggering.
Jay did tell me something off putting last night but said he also believed me. To not accuse someone of rape unless I meant it... Oh and I meant it with Gonzo. And Florencio definitely forced himself on me. He did not rape me but if he thought he could get away with it, he would have. The stuff he said about Randy too... geez. I never knew how serious all of that was. Of course Allan and Zsa pretended like the charges did not happen. Sorry folks I cannot just forget them as if it was a weird fever dream. Allan's family is just too toxic for me to deal with. I guess the truth is that at this point I am just over it and them, I mean there is only his siblings left and its only a matter of time before those relationships self implode anyways and I do not want to be taken down with them. I really need to reconsider all of my friendships and as much as I love Maria, her drinking is really becoming a problem for me. I cannot be around anyone like that. it reminds me too much of my mom and HELLO she has an autistic son who needs her and here she is getting drunk all the time and passing out???
Monday, September 18, 2023
Sept 18th
I guess we just flash hot... and then figure it out.
He said he was going crazy without me. I was going crazy without him. I cannot believe how much we need each other.
Happy birthday Allan
Sunday, September 17, 2023
Sept 17th
Tuesday, September 12, 2023
Sept 12
Monday, September 11, 2023
Sept 11
Wednesday, September 6, 2023
Sept 6th
Tuesday, September 5, 2023
September 5th
Monday, September 4, 2023
September 4th
Wednesday, August 23, 2023
August 23rd
Wednesday, August 16, 2023
August 16th
August 15th
Tuesday, August 15, 2023
August 14th
Friday, August 11, 2023
August 11
Thursday, August 10, 2023
August 10
Wednesday, August 9, 2023
August 9th
Monday, August 7, 2023
August 7th
I quit
Not only did I quit but I relieved myself of so much stress and turmoil.
I have come to so many decisions in the past few days... decisions that make me not only feel better about myself but are propelling me to a less stressful life/outlook.
"I would chose the villain over the hero any day. The hero will sacrifice his love for you for the greater good, the villain will burn the world down to protect what is his."
I have never read a more accurate description of why I chose Jay over everyone else and I always have, because I know he would chose me over everyone and everything else. There is something in being loved by someone who does not care about what anyone else thinks or cares about. I have ALWAYS known Jay would do anything to protect me, when I have never felt like that with anyone else. Errol intentionally went out of his way to hurt me, physically and mentally. Ed would do whatever his mom wanted and nothing beyond this. The ultimate mama's boy and Allan? People pleaser. If they did not like me, I was always at risk of losing him.
I chose Jay above everything and everyone else, besides Jessica, but thank the gods she loves him too.
This weekend was... amazing and sad. I know Jay was not always feeling 100% but he powered through it... I keep an eye on him though and do not push.
Marley... that sweet little girl passed away this weekend. I am going to miss her sneaking up on the bed to find a spot next to me and resting her head on me to let me know she was there to comfort me. I also miss her being my excuse as to why I take up 75% of the bed. I barely knew her and it broke my heart to walk in his room and it felt... empty.
I did my best to distract Jay. We went to that place in Suisun and wow, everything was so good there. I think it is one of my favorite places to eat now. I also love that it is a place I know that he has not been with anyone else. It is ours. After that we went to Scandia where I completely annihilated him in Galaga, he never had a chance :) and I was taking it easy on him too! Then we played Fast and Furious and it was pretty even and of course my competitive side came through... it was so much fun. I could not stop smiling. He was not a sore loser and neither was I. I liked that we could laugh through our losses and we found something we both LIKE doing that is inside and a game.
He pointed out how much I like playing games... a big kid. He is not wrong, I love playing games. I like being competitive... knowing we can play and even if one of us loses we are good sport about it. I did not realized how important that is to me... almost as important as how someone treats wait staff, waitresses and waiters... He treats them with so much kindness, and he knows all of their names... I am not quite that friendly but I love that he is. He always has been, he's better at networking and socializing. Not that I am horrible at it but he is much more skilled at it than I am. Again, finding balance in our strengths and weaknesses.
Saturday we did not do much of anything, just hung out at his place and I was content with that.
Sunday... I can't even go into much of the phone call I got, except to say, I hope everything Charlie dreamt comes true and if it did nothing else, what that call did do was solidified that I am exactly where I am supposed to and with the person I am supposed to be with. Jay was sweet enough to buy the wallet and 2 pairs of jeans I needed... I was barely able to function and did not realize it or even fight him on it, which I am sure he was relieved about. I still do not feel like I thanked him properly but I appreciate how sweet it was that he did buy those things for me.
Thursday, August 3, 2023
August 3rd
"If they can't be there for your worst days... they don't deserve to be there on your best days."
I never really thought about how I keep people in my life who do not contribute anything to it other than drama and turmoil. I guess because Allan was such a social person he wanted ALL of the friends he could get and so they became my people too. I never cared about having a large group of friends and to be honest, I am looking forward to purging all of them with a few exceptions. His cousin Shelley is the ONLY one who noticed I turned off my socials and she texted me in her normal fashion at 2am to make sure I was okay. I know she and Allan did not get along well, but I am keeping her. Not even my own family noticed that I turned off everything...
I am looking forward to deleting people from my phone and social media and going back to blocking Jaye and Chris Marzan. The truth is... I would rather start over with new friends and connections who did not know Allan because I hate when people look at me and they just see me as an extension on him. Not me as my own person. His personality was so large that he overshadowed me. No one knew who I was and they did not even bother getting to know me.
Jay was there for one of my worst days... it was a 9 and not quite a 10, but he was there for me when no one has ever been.
Although to be fair, the first time I tried when I was 18, I did wake up to Errol standing there next to my bed in the hospital. Second time was Ed and nope, wasn't there, but that paramedic hitting on me was the icing on that cake. Third time was 2 years ago and no Allan. He wasn't worried even when I came home and all those days after Allan died... I didn't know how to ask anyone to be there.
"'You'll suffer for as long as you allow yourself to suffer.'"
I am not sure why this is finally sinking in. The more that I recall 4/3 months in the past when Allan was sick and dying... I am only torturing myself... blaming myself... I really have to let go of that guilt and realize no matter what I do right now, today will not change the outcome. He will still be dead, I will still have an entire group of people who are mad and angry for no other reason than I am not living up to their impossible standards.
So instead I have to choose to be happy. I have to. I can't keep letting myself slip into that darkness. It will be on the edge of my consciousness but I can push it out. I have to remember that I could not save him all on my own, he should have gone to the doctor a week before when we asked him to, he was an adult and he made the decision to not go, he only went to the ER because I forced him and called 911. If I had gone to work that day, I could have come home to him dead. That is the truth and the reality I need to remember. I did what I could for him and I was there almost every day he was in the hospital even though mentally it was killing me as well as physically. 17 days... I was there, not eating not sleeping. Barely surviving. It did not change anything, he still died even though I was there. Zsa was only there at the end because then suddenly she got it through her head he was dying.
I did not chose the life I have now... this was not what my life was supposed to look like. I never imagined this. 4 months ago if someone told me I would be with Jay Martinez and happier than you have ever been in 30 years, I would have laughed in their face and called them crazy.
I did not see him coming into my life the way he has. He is right about a lot of what he had to say... I have to think about what it means to be in his family and being a Martinez because I want that more than I can express. My decisions now are going to be based on how they will help our relationship and our future because as much as change is hard, I am going to be what he wants and deserves. Having our first real bump in our second round of this relationship has been eye opening... and anxiety inducing.
My therapist made sense when she said of course I lashed out the person closest to me. That is what we all do as humans when we are in pain but I have never done that before to anyone besides my kids, because I never loved Ed or Allan the way that I love Jay. As much as I had to learn to moderate myself with my kids, I need to do this with Jay too. Jessica even mentioned yesterday that she has always known me to be mean... EYE ROLL... because I am parenting, I had to be the authoritative parent, Ed never understood follow through. As much as I was sweet and innocent when I was 21, I have been through hell and back at age 51. I have a sharp tongue and wit, I know I can cut people down and I cannot undo what has been done or said.
Everyone has bad days and my having one bad day in 2 months considering what I have been through, well she said that's pretty amazing. I should be proud that I have been able to moderate my emotions for so long and with all the triggers I had, its not shock I finally snapped but I need to regulate my interactions when I do snap and instead of taking it out on Jay or the kids, I need to tell them I am having a bad day. I have to keep track of my emotions and I am... daily every few hours. I also need to remember that when it gets like this, massages help me through them. Pain for some reason gives me all the endorphins I am missing from the SSRI medications. Getting waxed, massage and those cysts deciding to explode yesterday... I needed all of that pain in one day. Sometimes I wish I could cut myself which I know would give me those endorphins I need but I can't imagine marking my skin intentionally and possibly getting infections. Nope, not for me.
Thankfully the damn hives are finally GONE!
Today really is a 1.5 I cannot say its a 1... I am sure there will be better days than this but overall its a pretty good day. Background check is finally done, I have an interview, my neck and back are still in pain from the massage (which is a good thing).
"Even in your grief, you are allowed to be happy"
I have to forgive myself for being happy. I have to forgive myself for moving forward in my life.
I am moving beyond the past few months... and letting my past be that, my past and not drag it into my future and as much as people want me to be sad and miserable. I do not want that. I want to be happy, and I have been. Yes I will have sad moments, but they have to be just that, moments. I need to remember my coping skills and move beyond the sadness because unlike a lot of people, that sadness becomes darkness and that darkness can lead to my death. Not just suicide but also my health and heart. I want to live I want to see where Jay and I are headed. I want to eventually fix what is broken between Jerrolyn and I. I need to be here for Jessica. She above all of them needs me the most.
I am excited to see what our lives will look like, hell Jessica is excited to see where we will be in a year. She is so happy about Jay, I do not even think he understands how much she needs him. To be honest, she needs him more than I do. Somehow I have to figure out how all three of us can spend more time together. We talked about our lives last night, after I took her to starbucks and she was so worried that we were in a bad place and she wanted to be sure we were back on track. When I asked her about watching Marley, her eyes lit up, she did not care about the money, just that Jay and I were still doing good. Not that the greedy brat won't take it, she is invested in this relationship.
Its been 2 months... 1 bad day. 1. Compared to what was 51 days of darkness and despair, how I survived, I am not sure. If I had known what was on the other side of those 51 days...
Wednesday, August 2, 2023
That night
August 2nd
It is easy to tell you the promises I want to make...
I know that showing you that I am willing to keep those promises is what you need.
Yesterday you asked if I made the reservations for Sausalito, my intuition is screaming that you want to cancel that weekend which means you are probably going to cancel the weekend of your friends getting their chips. As sad as that makes me, I understand on some level why, but tell me now and not later. I overthink things and as much as I tell myself I am overthinking this, a part of me is also saying, well that's what happens when you say things and hurt someone.
I promise to hold myself accountable for how I treat you, I can't promise I will always be perfect or I won't sometimes say the nicest things, I am human and I know I will make mistakes. However, I will recognize when I make those mistakes, not make excuses for my mistakes but learn from them and grow from them.
I promise to be the person you want. I am going to do whatever it takes because you matter to me, in every way possible. I can't imagine my life without you and I do not want to regardless of what my therapist says.
I promise to take care of myself first and not push aside my own health issues in deference to yours.
Tuesday, August 1, 2023
August 1st
Wednesday, July 26, 2023
July 26th
I am always shocked by how much my life has changed
Tomorrow will be 3 months since Allan died. Going on 4 months since he originally started getting sick.
I am shocked by how much I love Jason. I am amazed at how different our relationship is, in every way possible. I can feel myself opening up to him more and more. Walls are coming down faster and faster.